MOSTAJO MOSTAJO & TORO CIVIL SOCIETY - LEGAL FIRM, is a Law Firm whose work has always been oriented to advice and legal services to national and foreign companies.

Throughout its existence, the Law Firm has incorporated, merged, transformed and / or dissolved thousands of companies in Bolivia and has established many branches and subsidiaries of foreign companies and entities, in which several of the members of the Legal Firm have been directors.

The relationship of members of the Firm with authorities of the different governments of Bolivia, parliamentarians and magistrates of the Judicial Power, has allowed him access to the highest levels of the State for the prompt dispatch of the matters entrusted to him.

The Law Firm has participated in negotiations of multinational companies and in high level meetings in various parts of the world.

Members of the Legal Firm have had active participation in the transformation process of the Bolivian economy, contributing to change the country's structures; They have written many articles in the national press and in foreign magazines; they have continually raised suggestions to the Powers of the State to improve the legal norms; and they have elaborated the projects of several important laws that have been dictated in Bolivia.

In the commercial, corporate, stock market, tax, criminal, hydrocarbons, electricity, mining, telecommunications, transportation, administrative, banking and social laws areas, its actions have been permanent and well-known.

The Law Firm has extensive experience in litigate, constitutional resources and arbitrate, areas in which it is measured for its seriousness, responsibility and high reliability.


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    Mostajo & Toro Sociedad Civil
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